1,587 research outputs found

    Indirect observation of unobservable interstellar molecules

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    It is suggested that the abundances of neutral non-polar interstellar molecules unobservable by radio astronomy can be systematically determined by radio observation of the protonated ions. As an example, observed N2H(+) column densities are analyzed to infer molecular nitrogen abundances in dense interstellar clouds. The chemistries and expected densities of the protonated ions of O2, C2, CO2, C2H2 and CH4 are then discussed. Microwave transition frequencies fo HCO2(+) and C2H3(+) are estimated, and a preliminary astronomical search for HCO2(+) is described

    Competitive Cross-Subsidization

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    Cross-subsidization arises naturally when firms with different comparative ad- vantages compete for consumers with diverse shopping patterns. Firms then face a form of co-opetition, being substitutes for one-stop shoppers and complements for multi-stop shoppers. Competition for one-stop shoppers then drives total prices down to cost, but firms subsidize weak products with the profit made on strong products. While firms and consumers would benefit from cooperation limiting cross- subsidization (e.g., through price caps), banning below-cost pricing instead increases firms’ profits at the expense of one-stop shoppers; this calls for a cautious use of below-cost pricing regulations in competitive markets

    Learning Convex Partitions and Computing Game-theoretic Equilibria from Best Response Queries

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    Suppose that an mm-simplex is partitioned into nn convex regions having disjoint interiors and distinct labels, and we may learn the label of any point by querying it. The learning objective is to know, for any point in the simplex, a label that occurs within some distance ϵ\epsilon from that point. We present two algorithms for this task: Constant-Dimension Generalised Binary Search (CD-GBS), which for constant mm uses poly(n,log(1ϵ))poly(n, \log \left( \frac{1}{\epsilon} \right)) queries, and Constant-Region Generalised Binary Search (CR-GBS), which uses CD-GBS as a subroutine and for constant nn uses poly(m,log(1ϵ))poly(m, \log \left( \frac{1}{\epsilon} \right)) queries. We show via Kakutani's fixed-point theorem that these algorithms provide bounds on the best-response query complexity of computing approximate well-supported equilibria of bimatrix games in which one of the players has a constant number of pure strategies. We also partially extend our results to games with multiple players, establishing further query complexity bounds for computing approximate well-supported equilibria in this setting.Comment: 38 pages, 7 figures, second version strengthens lower bound in Theorem 6, adds footnotes with additional comments and fixes typo

    Imaging of benign solitary fibrous tumor of the pleura: a pictorial essay

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    Solitary fibrous tumor of the pleura (SFTP) is a mesenchymal tumor that tends to involve the pleura, and is also described in other thoracic and extrathoracic sites. SFTP usually presents as a peripheral mass abutting the pleural surface, to which it is attached by a broad base or by a pedicle that allows it to be mobile. SFTPs exist in benign and malignant forms. A precise pre-operative diagnosis can be arrived at with a cutting-needle biopsy, although most cases are diagnosed with postoperative histology and immunohistochemical analysis. In this pictorial essay, we review a large series of cases, with emphasis on the radiographic appearance of these lesions and their findings from computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasonography and positron emission tomography

    A Recombination-Based Tabu Search Algorithm for the Winner Determination Problem

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    Abstract. We propose a dedicated tabu search algorithm (TSX_WDP) for the winner determination problem (WDP) in combinatorial auctions. TSX_WDP integrates two complementary neighborhoods designed re-spectively for intensification and diversification. To escape deep local optima, TSX_WDP employs a backbone-based recombination opera-tor to generate new starting points for tabu search and to displace the search into unexplored promising regions. The recombination operator operates on elite solutions previously found which are recorded in an global archive. The performance of our algorithm is assessed on a set of 500 well-known WDP benchmark instances. Comparisons with five state of the art algorithms demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach

    License prices for financially constrained firms

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    It is often alleged that high auction prices inhibit service deployment. We investigate this claim under the extreme case of financially constrained bidders. If demand is just slightly elastic, auctions maximize consumer surplus if consumer surplus is a convex function of quantity (a common assumption), or if consumer surplus is concave and the proportion of expenditure spent on deployment is greater than one over the elasticity of demand. The latter condition appears to be true for most of the large telecom auctions in the US and Europe. Thus, even if high auction prices inhibit service deployment, auctions appear to be optimal from the consumers’ point of view

    Three Wide-Separation L dwarf Companions from the Two Micron All Sky Survey: Gl 337C, Gl 618.1B, and HD 89744B

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    We present two confirmed wide separation L-dwarf common proper motion companions to nearby stars and one candidate identified from the Two Micron All Sky Survey. Spectral types from optical spectroscopy are L0 V, L2.5 V, and L8 V. Near-infrared low resolution spectra of the companions are provided as well as a grid of known objects spanning M6 V -- T dwarfs to support spectral type assignment for these and future L-dwarfs in the z'JHK bands. Using published measurements, we estimate ages of the companions from physical properties of the primaries. These crude ages allow us to estimate companion masses using theoretical low-mass star and brown dwarf evolutionary models. The new L-dwarfs in this paper bring the number of known wide-binary (Separation >= 100 AU) L-dwarf companions of nearby stars to nine. One of the L-dwarfs is a wide separation companion to the F7 IV-V + extrasolar planet system HD89744Ab.Comment: 20 pages including 6 tables and 4 figures, AJ, in pres

    Internally Electrodynamic Particle Model: Its Experimental Basis and Its Predictions

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    The internally electrodynamic (IED) particle model was derived based on overall experimental observations, with the IED process itself being built directly on three experimental facts, a) electric charges present with all material particles, b) an accelerated charge generates electromagnetic waves according to Maxwell's equations and Planck energy equation and c) source motion produces Doppler effect. A set of well-known basic particle equations and properties become predictable based on first principles solutions for the IED process; several key solutions achieved are outlined, including the de Broglie phase wave, de Broglie relations, Schr\"odinger equation, mass, Einstein mass-energy relation, Newton's law of gravity, single particle self interference, and electromagnetic radiation and absorption; these equations and properties have long been broadly experimentally validated or demonstrated. A specific solution also predicts the Doebner-Goldin equation which emerges to represent a form of long-sought quantum wave equation including gravity. A critical review of the key experiments is given which suggests that the IED process underlies the basic particle equations and properties not just sufficiently but also necessarily.Comment: Presentation at the 27th Int Colloq on Group Theo Meth in Phys, 200